Jake Gyllenhaal Workout And Diet Program For Prince of Persia

Jake Gyllenhall built significant muscle for his role in Prince of Persia which is a popular video game played on all kinds of platforms. In the movie he plays the fit and muscular Prince Dastan. Jake wasn’t huge or ripped before the casting for this movie so it took a couple of weeks to get him to the point where he is now.

We can all agree that he quickly transformed into an impressive physique and did it in a short span of time. He did it through intelligent and focused training as well as eating healthy balanced meals.

What made Jake Gyllenhaal’s workout routine so special for Prince of Persia? He used to be a thin dude, without any serious mass muscle going on. Today he’s ripped and lean with enough muscle to come on as an impressive man.

Jake Gyllhenhaal’s Workout For Prince of Persia was a lot of Parkour!? He was training as much as 2-3 times per day in order to build up a solid foundation of muscle to work with. He wanted to lose fat and build muscle during the months leading up to his role in the movie. If he would have continued this kind of training for a longer period of time he would have surely gone into overtraining mode.

The amazing thing is that Jake had to train Parkour, which is a french martial art of sorts, which is also known as “free running” in common terms. This is the kind of exercise that takes a lot of balance and strength. Parkour involves jumping, running and flipping on normal every day stuff like rooftops, park benches, beams, bridges and all kinds of fun stuff.

Initially Jake Gyllenhaal worked with the Parkour founder David. He was doing lots of work inside a gymnastics room before going out and hitting the concrete, so to speak. Since some of the stunts in the movie involved parkour look-alike moves it was good that he had a solid ground to work with. Jake Gyllenhaal actually performed many of the more dangerous stunts himself, which is a great thing for him, it shows confidence and that he was well conditioned for the Prince of Persia film.

Besides the fun Parkour stuff he also did high intensity workouts 2 times per day, including cardio and weight training.

In the mornings Jake would do hill sprints HIIT style and do some ab workouts at the top of the hill for about 30 minutes… Then at night he’d do his strength workout with regular exercises like pull-ups, push-ups, planks, shoulder and chest workouts, jumping etc.

Randy Orton Workout And Diet Plan For WWE

 Randy Orton definintely has a very impressive body that many guys would die for, figuratively speaking. Randy Orton’s workout is hard and impressive in order to become a top WWE wrestler. He was born in 1980 and has since propelled to the top of the WWE as a famous wrestler. Randy is a massive moster at 6’4″ tall and weighing in at 245 lbs, yet he sports an impressive lean and athletic “Hollywood look” most of the year. He is walking around with a six pack and ripped shoulders, arms and pecks. Very impressive body for many men.

Many women prefer this look over the “big bulky” bodybuilder look too.

Randy is no “monkey” when it comes to working out, he has a very detailed and specific plan and method to his workouts. He is methodical and knows what he as to do each workout… He’s not fooling around in the gym! He’s got impressive abs because of his 3-5 times per week ab workouts.

It is said that he uses a 5 day split for his weight training targeting various body parts each session. He also stretches and works out his forearms a lot for grip strength and athletic ability.

Here is a sample routine that you might see Randy Orton doing when he’s busy at the gym:

Day 1: Legs
Superset Thigh Extensions w/ Leg Curls: 4 sets of 12-20 reps
Box Squats: 5 sets of 12 reps
Straight Leg Deadlifts: 4 sets of 10 reps
Calf Raises: 10 sets of 8-15 reps

Day 2: Chest
Incline Barbell Bench Press: 3 sets of 20 reps
Incline Dumbbell Bench Press: 5 sets of 6 reps
Flat Bench Press: 4 sets of 8-12 reps
Cable Crossovers: 3 sets of 15 reps
Every other week 10 sets of 10 pushups, with hands on a bench

Day 3: Back
Pulldowns: 3 sets of 20 reps
Seated Cable Rows: 3 sets of 12 reps
T-Bar Rows: 3 sets of 10 reps
Bent Over Rows: 3 sets of 20 reps
Lower Back Ext: 3 sets of 15 reps
One set of pullups to failure

Day 4: Shoulders
Side Laterals: 3 sets of 15 reps
Front Laterals: 3 sets of 15 reps
Rear Laterals: 3 sets of 15 reps
Arnold Presses: 4 sets of 8-12 reps
Upright Rows: 3 sets of 8-12 reps

Day 5: Triceps, Biceps
Pushdowns: 3 sets of 20 reps
French Curls: 3 sets of 8-12 reps
Overhead Triceps Ext: 3 sets of 8-12 reps
Closed Grip Pushdowns: 3 sets of 15 reps
Alternating Dumbbell Curls: 3 sets of 10reps
Alternating Dumbbell Hammer Curls: 3 sets of 8 reps
Barbell Curls: 3 sets of 8 reps
Cable Curls: 3 sets of 8 reps

Randy Orton Diet Plan

His diet is full of healthy protein and limited in carbs, other than healthy complex carbs that promote muscle building and fat loss. He is eating 1 gram of protein per day, making it very hard to consume 250 grams of protein from food sources alone he uses whey and other protein supplements to get his daily dose.

Randy Orton is a big sushi fan so he eats a lot of sushi making his diet clean and balanced. The sources of protein though food needs to be natural and clean such as egg whites, steak, fish, chicken, milk, and cottage cheese.

Lots of vegetables is also a criteria for getting a lean and ripped body like Randy Orton.

An awesome workout program that I’m currently working with is Visual Impact Muscle Building by Rusty Moore. I’m liking every bit of this program and I’m pumping up my muscle size with phase one right now… It’s going well and I’m off to the gym in a few minutes, just though I’d put up this post about Randy Orton and how to get ripped like him… Check out the program, it’s really awesome for getting that Hollywood look!

Adrien Brody Workout – Predators Workout Amazing Ripped Body!

Adrien Brody is ripped in his role for Predators. His “Predator Workout” wasn’t an easy task to manage. You’ll need to learn a little bit about his workout and see why it will make you ripped too. In recent news it said he gained 25 lbs of lean muscle and lost a fair bit of body fat during his build up for the movie.

A couple of tips for you new to exercising and want that “Hollywood look”, you need to focus more on functional muscle and fat loss as opposed to “building huge muscles” like a body builder. A great method to do this is to build muscle first and gain weight for 2-3 months lifting in the 8-12 rep range to get more sarcoplastic growth.

This is the “bodybuilding rounded look” and massive increases in size for your muscle. Then tone down the workout and start working with 5-7 reps in order to increase in strength and improve your muscle size and density… This should be done for 2-3 months as well…

The next step is to finally “CUT” while adding strength to the built muscles. This requires more focus on the lower range reps, like 2-4 reps and going really heavy. Do this until you reach a frame smaller than you like and go back to adding muscle.

You’ll see that your body totally changes and gets “ripped lean and rockin’” from this kind of workout. I suggest you try a program called Visual Impact Muscle Building, it’s a program I am on right now and it’s working like crazy for me! It’s fun too. This is the kind of workout program and exercise plan you need to follow to look like Adrian Brody in Predators.

He added muscle by eating a lot of food and gaining weight, while training hard at high intensity and low frequency. An example of this is a 5×5 program where you do 5 sets of 5 reps.

Choose 2 Big exercises for your big body parts and 1 exercise for each small body part. So like,

Bench Press, Incline Dumbbell Press, Dips, Military Press, Dumbbell Side Lateral Raises, Rope Extensions, Skull Crushers…

1) Do the first set of 5 repetitions

2) Rest for 90 seconds to 2 minutes

3) Do the second set of 5.

4) Repeat steps 1, 2, and 3 until you’ve finished all 5 sets; then proceed to the next exercise

5) Use a weight that makes it difficult to complete all 5 sets–once you can, increase the weight be 5 percent

6) For the fourth exercise in each workout, do 2-3 sets of 8 repetitions. These exercises focus more on smaller muscle groups that often have a postural or endurance component.

I might also go 12 reps on “side laterals” and calve movements etc.

Get whole body workout and split up your chest, legs and back days!

Also when building muscle, eat a lot of food and go big on the calories, but keep them clean and eat a lot of protein. This is the Adrien Brody Workout! He did lots of weights and running as well.

Cam Gigandet Workout – Cam Gigandet Training Routine To Get So Ripped For Never Back Down

If you have seen Cam Gigandet as Ryan in Never Back Down you know how ripped and toned he is for his role in this movie. He has a true surfer body and a bodytype many guys strive for. This is the look many girls prefer as well. Most muscle building guys will say that he has no size or that he’s not “big enough”, yet could probably not finish the workouts that Cam Gigandet did for his role in Never Back Down.

It is a very intense, short and high rep workout in order to lose fat and lean up. He is also on a stric diet during this time to cut off body fat. He doesn’t have “huge abs”, but rather low body fat… A quite common mistake many guys make is work their abs until they are blue in the face… If you see from the side in the movie, his body barely has any FAT AT ALL on it… He is super shredded and has lost a lot of belly fat.

His workout is something like this:

The reps should be between 6-10. The weight should feel heavy enough to complete 6-10 reps, but no more. So if you pick a weight and do for example, 10, 9,  7 reps that is still within the range.

Monday – Chest

3 – 25 Push ups
3 – Nautilus press 45, 55, 65
3 – Nautilus incline press 55, 65, 70
3 – Pec deck machine 40, 45, 50
Tuesday – Back

3 – 5 Pull ups
3 – Seated rows 75, 80, 85
3 – Lat pull downs 85, 90, 95
3 – T-bar rows 50, 55, 60

Wednesday – Shoulders

3 – Arnold press 35, 35, 35
3 – Laterals 15, 15, 15
3 – Front raises 10, 10, 10

Thursday – Biceps & Triceps

3 – Nautilus curl machine 20, 25, 30
3 – EZ curls cable 30, 35, 40
3 – Hammer curls 15, 20, 25
3 – Push downs 50, 55, 60


Cardio 45 minutes 65-75% MHR
(Cam used the treadmill, but I like elliptical machine better. Any cardio is fine)

Saturday and Sunday

Relax and let the body recover.

Your diet is more important that the workout though. You need to keep calories low so that your body is taking fuel from the fat storage in your body as opposed to from food. When you want to BUILD MUSCLE you are eating a lot of calories and when you want to cut down and maintain muscle mass, but lose fat you need to eat less calories than you burn each day.

A good program that will show you how to build muscle first, then cut and maintain that muscle in a very good way is the Visual Impact Muscle Building Course. Try that and see if you won’t get ripped too. This is the perfect hollywood workout for anybody wanting to look like Cam Gigandet does in Never Back Down. If you would like to only build muscle stay in phase one for a longer period of time, then move on to the other phases when you feel ready to lean up and get ripped.

This program really lets you pick and choose how you want to look, which is perfect. You don’t need to ask questions about how to lean up or build muscle, It’s all in there for a very cheap price of less than 1 session with a person trainer.