How Can I Lose Belly Fat Without Losing Muscle?

If you want to lose belly fat without losing muscle or at least preserve as much of it as possible during your cutting phase or if you just want to lose some fat off a beer belly then you must do it very strategically. Most people who try to lose weight that have been training for a while would usually lose some muscle and sometimes strength when they “lose weight”. Newbies who have not trained before usually gain muscle and “lose fat at the same time”, kind of… But let’s look at why experienced trainers tend to lose muscle when cutting…

This happens because of a few factors:

  • Too much long distance cardio
  • Too little food too soon
  • Not enough protein
  • Adding too much cardio
  • Not strength training
  • Too infrequent meals

There are several other factors that might make sure that you lose muscle when cutting, but if you keep a well rounded “high calorie intake” (that is clean and just slightly below maintenance, around 250 calories in deficit), intense cardio program, and strength training program.

When I cut or try to lose some accumulated stomach fat I tend to make the mistake of cutting off too many calories myself. This is a common mistake. Instead of losing the fat at a little bit longer, more steady pace you rush into it thinking that the more I decrease the calories the faster it will go… This is not true. Instead keep your calories just slightly below your normal intake.

Eat pretty much the same, but instead of say 3 potatoes, make it 2 potatoes… Instead of 1½ scoop of protien powder use only 1 scoop etc. Keep your diet the same as you did when you bulked up , being as clean and natural as possible, while keeping the protein intake high and carbs on the lower end.

Keep up with your strength training to maintain muscle mass. If you have a successful weight lifting program, do not change it, stick with it, but try to stick with the same weights or increase. Many lose strength, this is a sign that you need to up the calories just a bit.

You cardio should not be too long. Instead focus on intensity, such as HIIT. HIIT will preserve and even build muscle when done correctly. I tend to go with a 4 minute tabata burpee session followed by Ab Ripper X or just do a normal Hill Sprint for about 8-10 times (Up hard, walk down).

If you keep at it you’ll lose fat and keep your muscle as best as possible by creating a VERY SMALL deficit from food and a larger deficit from training. About 250 from each is the perfect ratio for me… Maybe even 100 calories cut from diet and 400 calories burned from training is your ideal, only you can know…

If you want a good program that focuses mainly on strength training to boost metabolism and lose the last layer of fat I can recommend Visual Impact Muscle Building. This was kind of a new take on training for me and it is a 6 week “kick start” program that you can get on right now. Try it and see for yourself if it’s something for you…

Fat Loss 101: Basics of Weight Loss That Cannot Be Ignored!

With all of the thousand of weight loss programs and products out there, it can be awfully confusing figuring out what is true, what is hype, and what is the most useful information.  Before getting lost on the internet with too much information, it can be useful to get back to basics on what exactly causes a person to lose weight.

The Real Truth About Calories

The simple fact about calories is that they are the fuel that runs the engine of your body.  You use them just like a car uses gas, to get up in the morning, to walk around all day, and even to sleep.  If you consume more calories than you burn, and the rest will be stored as fat. 

Your body stores fat as a defense so that in case you run out of food one day, it could use all that stored energy.  But since you’re probably not going to run out of food, it just stays stored as fat. 

What’s more is that many of the foods we love today in modern society contain way more calories than we need.  Anything that’s fried or that has a lot of corn syrup is generally high in calories.  And if we don’t burn those calories, they, too, will end up as fat.

So the most basic way to lose weight is to control your calorie balance.  You can do this either by consuming fewer calories or by burning more of them.  We obviously burn calories by exercising, but how can we consume less of them, when it’s so hard to find low calorie foods?

Much of controlling calorie intake is a matter of changing the way you eat.  Many people say that snacking in between meals is bad for weight loss.  This is true if you are snacking on potato chips and donuts, but the fact is that a healthy snack like some grapes or carrot sticks can help you control your cravings and prevent you from overeating when mealtime finally rolls around.

Another habit you can change to lower your calorie intake is eating in smaller portions.  If you put a ton of food on your plate, you are likely to eat all of it simply because it is there.  If, however, you consciously decide to take a smaller portion of food at every meal, you can make a big dent in your calorie count simply by eating less.

In the end, the basics of weight loss are much simpler than they may appear.  By reducing your calorie intake and burning more of what you take in, you will be well on your way to losing weight.

I think that if you are not currently burning more calories than you consume then you are going down the wrong path… most people who come to this site are looking for a solid weight loss program that work, and that they can trust, from recommended sources… My choice of fat loss system right now is: Cinderella Solution.

This weight loss program will show you how to value a calorie, it will teach you the basics of weight loss, exercise, diet and the mental game… Everything you need to start losing that stubborn fat you’ve always wanted GONE!

I can’t stress enough, how important it is to get going NOW, never wait with your health. One day it’s too late and cinderella solution has a small price to pay for a healthy, thin, attractive body.. Wouldn’t you say? I think so… Go ahead with Cinderella Solution  it works, but you need to put in the work to make it happen. Always remember, calories in vs calories out and you’ll be successful on this plan!

Getting Over Your Mental Block About Weight

Losing weight can be an intimidating task, especially if you’re substantially overweight, if you’ve failed in the past at losing weight, or if you’ve never tried a weight loss program before.  The truth about losing weight is that the hardest part is getting started with your new lifestyle.  Many people simply cannot find the motivation to begin a weight loss program, and continue being overweight and unhappy.  But if you can just remove the mental block that’s keeping you from losing weight, you can stop procrastinating and get started today.

Realize that it’s possible

If you’ve been overweight for a long time, you may not believe that it’s really possible to lose weight at all.  You see ads on TV all the time featuring people who have lost a ton of weight, but they’re all trying to sell you something.  What about real life?  The fact is that people can and do lose significant amounts of weight all the time in real life.  They just know how to set realistic goals and stick to them.

Have patience

It’s certain that you’re eager to lose as much weight as possible right away, but it’s important to temper your expectations to make sure that you will stick to your weight loss plan in the long term.  The normal rate of successful weight loss for most people is 1 to 2 pounds per week.  That may seem slow, but it’s highly preferable to lose weight at such a slow rate, since that’s the most likely way to keep the weight off in the long term.  People who go on crash diets and lose a ton of weight quickly tend to also gain it back quickly.

Be positive

Many people struggle with weight loss because they associate eating and being overweight with feelings of guilt.  You may feel bad about yourself because you are overweight and turn to overeating to make yourself feel better.  You may even feel that you do not deserve to be thin.  The truth is that being overweight or not is simply a matter of deciding to do something to change your situation.  It’s not a matter of morals or judgment or who deserves what.  Rather, it’s a simple scientific equation that has nothing to do with morals.

So simply decide that you are going to work to be thin until you have results, and you will have successfully overcome your mental block enough to get started on your new life. Many people think it’s a struggle to lose weight, or they think that they will need to give up a lot of their life to make it work…

The body will naturally repel this and do everything it can to try and stay big. If you don’t see that there are real life benefits of being thin, then yur body will likely keep thinking you are meant to be fat. If you are struggling with your weight, and do not have a proven step-by-step system to get rid of stomach fat then you need to try Cinderella Solution.

4 Tips For Losing Fat Fast And Other Essential Fat Loss Advice For The Lazy

If you’re looking to lose weight as quickly as possible, you’re probably looking for some good tips to help you in this process as well.  I know it canBelow you can find four fundamental quick tips to losing weight the safe and effective way.

1. Make Sure Your Goals Are Realistic

Biologically speaking, it only makes sense to lose about 1 to 2 pounds of fat per week.  If you lose any more it is likely that you are simply losing water or tissue weight, which will quickly return, instead of burning fat.  You will need to burn between 1,000 and 500 more calories than you are taking in each day if you hope to lose this 1 to 2 pounds, so it will be no small task.  But if you keep at it every day, in less than 6 months you could be 50 pounds lighter. Yepp, it’s true… Try The Cinderella Solution and see how you too can lose 42 lbs of fat in just a matter of weeks, and it’s not hype either!

2. Focus On Your Progress

If you only give yourself one enormous goal regarding your weight loss, say 30 pounds lost, you will only be able to evaluate success or failure on that one goal.  Anything short of that, say a very impressive 10 pounds lost, will not feel like a success.  So it is important to focus on the progress that you are making, and reward yourself along the way.  This will keep up your motivation and will give you momentum to sustain your efforts at losing weight.

3. Make Sure You Are In It For The Long Haul

Many people set goals to lose weight for the summer, or for a specific date, such as a wedding.  But the most effective strategy for weight loss is a long term one.  If you only focus on getting thin for summer, you may succeed, but by fall you will have put all the weight back on again.  The key is to recognize that starting a new lifestyle will bring you the most success in the long term, and it will make sure that you don’t put back on any of your lost weight.

4. Realize That Other People’s Goals Are Not Always Your Goals

Don’t get distracted by what you see on TV or in ads.  The fact is that everyone’s body is different and you need a personalized approach to your own weight loss.  Realize your strengths and limitations, and set your goals accordingly.  If you set them too high, you’re more likely to fail. If you set them too low you might not be motivated enough to reach it. Always keep pushing no matter what…

Remember that the basics are the most important to any weight loss plan, so you should return to this list if you find yourself lost in the process.

Many people experience a lot of trouble with their weight loss because they do not have a concrete plan to follow along with. They “wing it” and pretty much never see the results they are looking for. They might starve for a while and lose weight, but gain it right back. If you too are uneducated at the moment then you should invest a couple bucks into a great plan that will save you TONS of money on groceries, food and treats.

This guide will teach you how to lose weight and save money by shopping right! Many spend only $150-$200 a month on groceries… Check it out.

Click Here Now To Try The Cinderella Solution Right Now!

How To Lose 10 Pounds of Body Fat Fast

Many people are struggling to lose weight these days, and it brings many people to the internet in the hopes of learning how to lose 10 pounds or more.  The fact is that it can be difficult to lose any amount of weight, since many of us work in offices sitting down, drive home sitting down, and then watch TV sitting down in our free time.  Add to this the endless supply of delicious and cheap but very unhealthy snacks we have to eat in the modern world, and it’s a wonder that anyone ever loses any weight!  But it is possible to lose the weight you need if you stay focused and stick to your goals.


Yes, it’s a dreaded word but it will be necessary to meet your goal.  To lose weight, it’s important to measure the number of calories you are taking in to your body.  Try reading the number of calories per serving of everything you’re about to eat just before consuming it.  This will help you to think twice about indulging and losing sight of your goal.  Also, eliminating foods that kill your calorie goals like soda and fast food is crucial.  Try to find replacements for your old cravings.  Discover new foods.  Could you get to liking a simple homemade iced tea instead of your daily Pepsi intake?  You’ll never know until you try.


Another dirty word in the weight loss gain, exercise is absolutely necessary to lose weight.  Doctors recommend 20 minutes of cardiovascular most days, if not every single day.  This will not only help you lose weight, but also feel healthier.  Plus, it will give you a new activity to do that you might enjoy.  Rather than spending your 20 minutes alone on the treadmill, why not make a daily ritual of taking a brisk walk with family or friends?  It would let you explore your neighborhood and get some fresh air, too.  Other fun exercise activities that anyone can do are swimming, skating, and biking.

And finally, don’t forget the little things.  Taking the stairs instead of the elevator every chance you get is an easy way to slip some extra physical activity into your busy daily routine.  Put together, these activities will get you well on your way to losing 10 pounds!

If you want to know how Karen lost 42 lbs of body fat and Rob got his six pack abs, then you might want to check out this short video presentation, it might really shock you in the way it explains how you too could lose your belly, without drugs or complicated diets! This program is one of the most popular programs out there today, and for good reason…

Check out this free video presentation now and get started on your own 10 pound journey!